Vor einiger Zeit wurde ich von meinen Partnern hier gefragt, ob ich nicht einen kleinen Text über mich schreiben könnte um vietnamesische Jugendliche zu ermutigen, das selbe zu wagen das ich im Moment tue: Ein Freiwilligendienst im Ausland.
Am nächsten Donnerstag werde ich zum gleichen Zweck und Thema nun auch noch einen Vortrag halten. Das ist für mich sehr aufregend, weil ich es nicht gewohnt bin so über mich selbst zu reden und das auch noch in Englisch. Ich werde auf jeden Fall mein Bestes geben.
Hei everyone!
My name is Jannis Niethammer, I’m 19 years old and I’m from Germany. Recently I became a Volunteer at Volunteers for Peace Vietnam and I really
enjoy being one.
When I tell people that I’m here for a whole year, many of them say: “Why are you doing this? Wouldn’t
it be better to study?” Basically I’m doing this because I strongly believe
this year will teach me more lessons than any year of studying in the past did
or in the future will do.
After I finished High School I had an urgent need to
go out into the world. I really
liked my time in school with all my friends and family around, but I just felt
like there’s so much more to see, so much more to experience, so many
lifestyles I want to live. So I decided to not just continue studying by going
to a university, but to take a gap
year. I made sure that my new
environment should be as different as possible from the one I lived in recently
to reach my goal of expanding my horizon. Therefore I chose Vietnam as my
destination and challenge.
But I have to say my motivations were not as selfish
as they sound. I chose voluntary
work over travelling because I wanted to give something back to the society
that gives me so much and I dreamt of improving the world, even if it’s just in
a little, personal way. I wanted to share love with people that are in need of
it, because love is the best thing we do, and support cultural understanding in
a world where the lack of understanding creates terrible wars and hate. In fact
I wanted to stop talking and start doing.
I have been
living in Hanoi for 7 weeks now and I love it. Surely it is completely different from European cities and Surely changes are always linked with
difficulties, but I feel very welcome and VPV gave me a new home.
The new environment gave me new opportunities. I have
the chance to invent and create a new me, try new things and make new friends
without any presumptions from
anybody, because nobody knows me.
I have to be more independent. I have to make my own decisions, my own plans and
even do my own laundry. It’s crazy
how many things get more
and more natural and you grow a new self-awareness
and confidence over the time without even noticing it. In my time here in Hanoi
I already met so many people with different backgrounds and stories to tell
that teach me lessons in just what they are and what they say. Therefore I
create a bigger cultural understanding and empathy.
Eventually all these
chances and difficulties are helping me to find my own true personality and the
way I want to live in the future. I just want to encourage everybody to just go
for it. GO for a voluntary work; GO for a foreign country; GO for whatever your
passion is. Even if it’s not for a whole year like for me, the experiences you
make are totally worth it.
addition, I even think a gap year can totally
help improve yourself and get you better prepared for your job life,
you should always remember:
Life is not only about getting rich in money, but to
get rich in life, experiences, love and happiness. And I can only talk for
myself, but you should believe me: My gap year is making me a freakin’
millionaire in all of this.
Ich möchte mich hiermit nochmal ganz herzlich bei all meinen Unterstützern und Spendern bedanken, die es mir ermöglicht haben, meine Motivationen in die Tat umzusetzen. Dieses Jahr wird mir sehr viel geben und ohne euch wäre das nicht möglich. Vielen Dank!!
Allerdings wäre es sehr toll, wenn der Rest des Spendenkreises noch voll werden würde. Dafür fehlen im Moment noch um die 1000€, die ich bis Februar aufbringen sollte. Wenn ihr Lust habt mich zu unterstützen, dann klickt doch oben auf der Seite einfach mal auf "Unterstützung". :)
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